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Why you should learn Symfony in 2017
Jul 18, 2017 @ 17:39:09

On the Hackermoon site there's a new post from developer advocate Mickaƫl Andrieu sharing a few reasons why he thinks you should learn Symfony in 2017 if you haven't already.

In 2011, when I started my studies in computer sciences I learned the PHP using symfony 1.3, and I realized my very first student project on the beta of Symfony 2. At the time, we were moving from a fully integrated full stack framework with a back office provided to a framework that followed what was found in the Java community: besides, many components of Symfony2 were strongly inspired by JEE.

PHP 5.3 had just come out and with it the ability to start designing object-oriented correctly. [...] Large Open Source projects have started to migrate on Symfony components: if it was not first, SensioLabs has talked a lot about Drupal8 because it is one of the biggest CMS on the market. EzPublish, PHPBB, PrestaShop and many others followed, some with a full stack framework approach and others by incorporating only a few software bricks.

He then talks about the "vibrant and mature ecosystem", listing some of the packages that use Symfony components. He also looks forward to the next major iteration of the framework: Symfony Flex. He ends with his reasoning why you should learn Symfony if you haven't worked with it (or at least how it handles common things like requests and services).

tagged: learn symfony framework ecosystem future symfonyflex opinion

Link: https://hackernoon.com/why-you-should-learn-symfony-in-2017-e0cf564f0b21

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