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Tomas Vortuba:
Why You Should Combine Symfony Console and Dependency Injection
May 09, 2018 @ 15:34:53

In a new post to his site, Tomas Votruba has a post sharing his thoughts about why you should combine Symfony Console and dependency injection and how it can help tp resolve issues with the overuse of static methods and functions.

I saw 2 links to SymfonyConsole in today's Week of Symfony (what a time reference, huh?). There are plenty of such posts out there, even in Pehapkari community blog: Best Practice for Symfony Console in Nette or Symfony Console from the Scratch. But nobody seems to write about the greatest bottleneck of Console applications - static cancer. Why is that?

He starts with some examples of the current status in PHP console applications including PHP_CodeSniffer, PHP CS Fixer and PHPStan. Each of these load commands to add functionality to the application which, as the application grows and changes, could be difficult to maintain in the future. Instead he recommends making use of dependency injection. He then talks about how containers are already a part of the console applications mentioned and finishes up focusing on the combination of the SymfonyConsole and SymfonyDependencyInjection components.

tagged: symfony console dependency injection combination tutorial container

Link: https://www.tomasvotruba.cz/blog/2018/05/07/why-you-should-combine-symfony-console-and-dependency-injection/

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