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Marcel Pociot:
Using Travis-CI for your Laravel Nova packages
Sep 27, 2018 @ 14:26:38

Marcel Pociot has a recent post to his site showing how you can set up builds on the Travis-CI service for your Laravel Nova packages. Laravel Nova is the recently released product from the Laravel creators that provides an administrative dashboard.

Today Laravel announced that Laravel Nova can now be installed via composer. This works by providing your nova.laravel.com username and password as credentials for composer, as well as adding a custom Laravel Nova composer repository to your composer.json file.

[...] This is great news, as this does not only simplify updating Laravel Nova, but it also allows Nova tools/package developers to add continuous integration to their projects! But there is still a problem: we do not want to provide our Laravel Nova credentials in our open source repository. But how can we solve this?

Marcel then walks you through the process of using Travis-CI's encrypted environment variables to protect your credentials. He shows how to install the travis Ruby gem to get the travis command line tool, encrypt the values and update your Travis-CI configuration (.travis.yaml) to pull those into the build.

tagged: travisci continuous build tutorial testing credential encrypted

Link: http://marcelpociot.de/blog/travis-ci-for-laravel-nova-development

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