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Laravel News:
Building a Laravel Translation Package – Handling Missing Translation Keys
Dec 13, 2018 @ 18:12:47

The Laravel News site has published the latest part in a series covering the creation of a translation package for use in a Laravel-based application. In this new post they focus on how the package will handle missing translation keys.

In the last installment of this series, we talked about building the frontend translation management tool. In this article, we are going to move away from the frontend and follow the process of building another backend feature.

One of the most frustrating things about translation management in a Laravel application is forgetting to add translations to the corresponding language file. This has the undesirable result of either the translation key or the default language being rendered on the page rather than the translation for the current language.

To remediate this issue, they design the package so that it will search the whole project and return the keys that don't have translations currently defined. They walk you through the creation of this functionality complete with the configuration and code required to locate the missing translations and update the configuration to add them.

tagged: translation package series tutorial missing key replace update

Link: https://laravel-news.com/building-a-laravel-translation-package-handling-missing-translation-keys

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