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Building a PHP 5 Form Processor - Using the Form Processor Package
Jan 31, 2006 @ 13:12:23

DevShed has posted the next part in their "Building a PHP 5 Form Processor" series today - "Using the Form Processor Package" - a look at how to use the class created in the previous two parts to make useful, powerful forms.

Now, before proceeding further, let's spend a few minutes discussing the objectives of this last tutorial, so you can have an accurate idea of how I’ll use this form processing library. Basically, I'll set up an example, in order to demonstrate the functionality of both modules within a real application.

First, I'll use the corresponding classes for constructing an online form, then I'll instruct the application to apply client-side validation on some of the form fields. Finally I'll have the application perform server-side checking on the form data, by displaying the appropriate error messages if any values entered on the form eventually fail to pass the verification process.

They step through its creation, from a bare-bones form, on to adding validation, putting those pieces together, and a look at the overall structure of the form to get a good, whole picture...

tagged: form processor php5 form processor package using form processor php5 form processor package using


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