In the wake of the Zend Framework launch (preview release), there's already been tons of feedback from the community all over their blogs. Here's just a few of the ones so far:
- Sebastian Bergmann's look the the framework on Gentoo
- Richard Heyes talking briefly about it
- Chris Shiflett pointing out it's release and download locations
- This post from Ben Ramsey with a more detailed look at using it
- Andi Gutmans with an official update post-release regarding feedback they've already gotten
- Harry Fuecks on the SitePoint PHP Blog mentioning it
- Ivo Jansch with his in-depth look at what it is and how it's structured
- this new post on PHPEverywhere where John Lim mentions making changes to the ADOdb package based on parts of the Zend Frameowk
- Travis Johnson's brief glance at it
- Ajax Magazine's look at the JSON support in the Framework
- This post on cyberlot's blog
- This brief post on NuCleuZ's blog
- Richard Miller's brief post mentioning the comparison to Ruby on Rails
- This post from Joshua Eichorn looking at the framework's license, if it's GPL/LGPL compatible
- Bjorn Schotte's opinions on how Zend has "changed the architecture" of how the PHP language itself
- This announcement from about the release
-'s extensive look at the framework and its components
- A bit of hesitation from Calin
- A summary from William Pramana as well as a list of the components
- David Rasch's overview with a bit of disappointment
- Sebastian Nohn's post and small example app to post pictures to his Flickr account
- Comments from Ligaya Turmelle
- This post on ("PHP Framework Begins to Take Shape")
- Greg's discovery of the framework
The framework, now just in its "preview release" is already having a pretty profound impact on the PHP community. And as it develops and grows into a full-fledged development environment, we'll keep updating you on the status of everything.
For complete information on the Framework and to download this preview copy, check out the Zend Framework site.