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Chris Shiflett's Blog:
PHP Security by Example
Jul 10, 2006 @ 10:50:05

Catching up with a little security-related news, Chris Shiflett posts his update answers some of the questions and comments raised by his Flash "PHP Security by Example" presentation being dugg.

It's true that slides are never a substitute for a talk, and this is especially true for this one, because it's a hands-on workshop. The reason it's in Flash is because the person submitting the story linked to the Flash version. To be fair, the only other format available for this talk is PDF.

The comment he specifically mentions deals with the quality of the tips provided (and that "you should refund your customers money" if you use them). Chris comes back with two valid points about the validity of the contents of the presentation and the fact that "Elitism does nothing to promote the education of up-and-coming developers".

The comments have also spurred him on to make updates and improvements for the slides including the possibility of a video to help illustrate the points further.

tagged: security presentation flash pdf example comments security presentation flash pdf example comments


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