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Working with MySQL Result Sets and the Decorator Pattern in PHP
Sep 06, 2006 @ 11:58:38

DevShed continues its look at the Decorator pattern with this new article today talking about working with MySQL result sets inside of the structure of the Decorator pattern.

Definitely, the pattern in question can be used for generating different types of outputs (or views) based on a returned result set, by using a few decorator classes that I'll define in the course of this tutorial. Hopefully, when you finish reading these lines, you should have a clear idea of how to include decorator classes in your object-based PHP applications.

They start off by showing how they're going to handle the MySQL result sets normally with a class and how to use that class in an example. Finally, they tie all of that in with the Decorator pattern, creating multiple Decorator classes to handle the various MySQL result set types.

tagged: decorator pattern mysql result set tutorial part2 decorator pattern mysql result set tutorial part2


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