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gCache: Helping PHP to work faster
Jun 28, 2007 @ 16:26:00

On Cesarodas.com, Saddor as created a simple class to help with caching information in a PHP application - specifically when it comes to capturing output (like HTML generated for the page).

Usually we need to find a way to help php to reduce the number of query to a database, because as a friend told me: "Most of time php is awaiting for a database to response". And that is wasted resource (time, processor, main memory). The developer need to find a way to store some pages until it changes or something like that. There are many cache classes over there, but exist many problems, I will focus on two problems. Implementation and concurrence.

His gCache class uses capture/endcapture methods to define where the content starts and ends and, once the information is stored, checks with a valid method and echoes the content if it's been cached. An example of the class in action is also included.

tagged: cache output capture class cache output capture class


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