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Flex & PHP Tutorial - Transmitting data using JSON
Jul 11, 2007 @ 16:54:00

On the ParanoidFerret.com blog today, there's a new tutorial showing how to get the Adobe Flex technology to talk happily with PHP over a JSON interface. Their example is a simple form that, given a person's information, finds matches from a backend XML.

To make sure we don't get too stuck in a rut with our tutorial posts I decided to branch out a little bit and talk about Adobe Flex 2.0. I recently spent a lot of time figuring out how to do this. Basically what I am going to go over here is how to use php and json to send data to your flex application, and then how to use that data in Flex.

He includes an example of the app in action plus all of the PHP and Flex code you'll need to make it work on your system. Since Flex has built-in JSON functionality, it makes it simple to query the resource and pull back the information that matches.

tagged: flex adobe tutorial json example xml flex adobe tutorial json example xml


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