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Paginating Result Sets for a Search Engine Built with MySQL and PHP 5
Aug 01, 2007 @ 18:41:39

DevShed continues their look at creating a search engine (after part one) with this next tutorial in the series. It focuses on the pagnation of the results from the search query.

In this second tutorial of the series I'm going to show you how to add some crucial characteristics to the previously-developed search engine. These include the implementation of paginated results and the ability to perform Boolean searches.

They build on the code from the previous tutorial and add in some simple pagination functionality by changing up the Result class to handle things like counting rows and displaying only a certain number of results at a time. To help make the pagination easier, they've also included a method to keep the search term constant across each page of the results - a custom session handler.

tagged: php5 result set pagination mysql search engine tutorial php5 result set pagination mysql search engine tutorial


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