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Zend Developer Zone:
Using YAML With PHP and PECL
Oct 02, 2007 @ 12:54:56

The Zend Developer Zone has a new article today by Vikrim Vaswani covering the use of YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) with PHP via the PECL packages that support it.

If you've ever encountered the same need, or if you're just curious about the YAML format and how it can be used with PHP, then today is your lucky day. Over the next few pages, I'm going to give you a crash course in YAML and in PHP's ext/syck extension, showing you how it can be used to efficiently translate data structures from PHP to YAML, and vice-versa. Come on in, and let's get started!

The tutorial starts with an example of a YAML file before getting into the application portion. He shows how to grab the Syck extension, install it, create a simple YAML file and create a configuration file (and parser) for a simple form application.

tagged: yaml pecl tutorial syck markup language yaml pecl tutorial syck markup language


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