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Lukas Smith's Blog:
May 26, 2008 @ 18:04:58

In this new post from Lukas Smith he talks about YAML, that handy data storage format and the two methods for its use in PHP (and why he's stuck with one of them).

If you use YAML in PHP, then you had until recently the choice between the C based PECL extension syck or the horrible spyc PHP based implementation. With syck it has the issue that it only supports the core standard and not stuff like merge-key, which is a very very useful extension to the core YAML standard.

He also points out another implementation that the Symfony framework has created - one built around regular expressions (slower, but a "more correct" version).

tagged: yaml language extension spyc syck


Padraic Brady's Blog:
Zend_Yaml; Gone the way of the Dodo...
Feb 04, 2008 @ 19:43:00

In filtering through the mass of projects that he's collected around him, Padraic Brady has decided to cut one loose - the Zend Framework package he'd been developing to introduce YAML parsing and functionality to the framework.

I've been going through all those open source projects and cutting the dead weight. [...] One of the victims of this review has been Zend_Yaml. Earlier this morning I found an odd comment on the Zend_Translate_Yaml proposal by Thomas Weidner that he was erasing his proposal on the basis that there had been no progress on Zend_Yaml.

He's removed the proposal from the Zend Framework proposal pages after receiving an email noting that the package would not comply fully to the YAML 1.1 specification and couldn't be included. With the introduction of the Syck extension into PECL, it could support it but Padraic opted to just tell the ZF group about this functionality rather than working on the build himself.

tagged: zendyaml yaml zendframework proposal syck pecl


Mike Naberezny's Blog:
Horde/Yaml 1.0 Released
Jan 11, 2008 @ 20:38:00

Mike Naberezny has posted about the latest release he's made - a 1.0 released too - of the Horde/Yaml library for working with YAML files/information inside of PHP.

This is the package's first stable release. Chuck Hagenbuch started the library as an adaptation of Spyc around six months ago. Since then, he and I have been quietly using and improving it. Along the way, we fixed many issues, added support for pecl/syck, and wrote a test suite with PHPUnit.

You can find the latest download of the package over on the Horde PEAR channel and you can find out more about the YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) spec over on the Yaml.org website.

tagged: horde yaml package library release stable pecl syck horde yaml package library release stable pecl syck


Mike Naberezny's Blog:
Horde/Yaml 1.0 Released
Jan 11, 2008 @ 20:38:00

Mike Naberezny has posted about the latest release he's made - a 1.0 released too - of the Horde/Yaml library for working with YAML files/information inside of PHP.

This is the package's first stable release. Chuck Hagenbuch started the library as an adaptation of Spyc around six months ago. Since then, he and I have been quietly using and improving it. Along the way, we fixed many issues, added support for pecl/syck, and wrote a test suite with PHPUnit.

You can find the latest download of the package over on the Horde PEAR channel and you can find out more about the YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) spec over on the Yaml.org website.

tagged: horde yaml package library release stable pecl syck horde yaml package library release stable pecl syck


Rails for PHP Blog:
Jan 10, 2008 @ 17:18:00

On the Rails for PHP blog today, there's a new article talking about a method that is normally used to handle configuration files and the like - YAML:

Besides PHP itself, the most popular config file formats for PHP applications are INI and XML files. [...] YAML is a relatively new format that has been pioneered by the Ruby and Rails communities. It blends the best aspects of XML and INI, giving us a format with the flexibility of XML and the ease-of-use of INI.

He compares the YAML support - Ruby's built-in support and PHP's functionality via either the Spyc library/Syck extension or through a PEAR package from the Horde functionality. Quick code snippets are provided for each.

tagged: yaml ruby compare language support syck yaml ruby compare language support syck


Rails for PHP Blog:
Jan 10, 2008 @ 17:18:00

On the Rails for PHP blog today, there's a new article talking about a method that is normally used to handle configuration files and the like - YAML:

Besides PHP itself, the most popular config file formats for PHP applications are INI and XML files. [...] YAML is a relatively new format that has been pioneered by the Ruby and Rails communities. It blends the best aspects of XML and INI, giving us a format with the flexibility of XML and the ease-of-use of INI.

He compares the YAML support - Ruby's built-in support and PHP's functionality via either the Spyc library/Syck extension or through a PEAR package from the Horde functionality. Quick code snippets are provided for each.

tagged: yaml ruby compare language support syck yaml ruby compare language support syck


Alexey Zakhlestin's Blog:
Syck 0.9.2
Nov 23, 2007 @ 15:14:00

Alexey Zakhlestin has released the latest version of his Syck tool - a "parser and emitter" of YAML documents.

I've just released syck for php 0.9.2 (a parser and emitter of YAML documents. If you don't know anything about YAML and why it is good: check my previous posts on the subject). A lot of new and tasty features.

Updates he mentions include:

  • stability and consistency fixes
  • enhancements with object-serialization and unserialization
  • loading of objects more class names
tagged: syck update version yaml fix serialization object syck update version yaml fix serialization object


Alexey Zakhlestin's Blog:
Syck 0.9.2
Nov 23, 2007 @ 15:14:00

Alexey Zakhlestin has released the latest version of his Syck tool - a "parser and emitter" of YAML documents.

I've just released syck for php 0.9.2 (a parser and emitter of YAML documents. If you don't know anything about YAML and why it is good: check my previous posts on the subject). A lot of new and tasty features.

Updates he mentions include:

  • stability and consistency fixes
  • enhancements with object-serialization and unserialization
  • loading of objects more class names
tagged: syck update version yaml fix serialization object syck update version yaml fix serialization object


PHP Application Configuration with YAML
Nov 22, 2007 @ 23:56:00

On the phpaddiction website, there's a quick new tutorial showing how to use the YAML technology to make a configuration for your application.

I have always disliked creating configuration data by reading from various formats into global arrays, so I needed to build or borrow a configuration class for my own projects that I could standardize on.

He discusses the base he worked from - a class based on the Zend_Config package in the Zend Framework, using his own sort of caching scheme. He's also included the code to see it in action (including the code download).

tagged: application yaml configuration syck example application yaml configuration syck example


PHP Application Configuration with YAML
Nov 22, 2007 @ 23:56:00

On the phpaddiction website, there's a quick new tutorial showing how to use the YAML technology to make a configuration for your application.

I have always disliked creating configuration data by reading from various formats into global arrays, so I needed to build or borrow a configuration class for my own projects that I could standardize on.

He discusses the base he worked from - a class based on the Zend_Config package in the Zend Framework, using his own sort of caching scheme. He's also included the code to see it in action (including the code download).

tagged: application yaml configuration syck example application yaml configuration syck example


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