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Zend Developer Zone:
Debugging PHP applications with xdebug
Jan 07, 2008 @ 13:58:00

The Zend Developer Zone has posted the fourth part (or a five part series) from Stefan Priebsch about testing and debugging your applications with XDebug.

Welcome to the fourth installment in our five-part series of xdebug articles on the Zend DevZone. This week, we will explore debugging PHP code with xdebug, the swiss army knife for PHP developers. [...] This fall, the problem of having no release-quality cross-platform xdebug client has been solved with the release of Eclipse PDT. Eclipse PDT is a free IDE for PHP supporting xdebug out of the box. So, without further ado, let us install Eclipse PDT to get started with debugging.

He includes the setup procedure for getting XDebug and the Eclipse PDT extension to play nice together (including some screenshots of example output).

tagged: debug xdebug application eclipse pdt extension tutorial debug xdebug application eclipse pdt extension tutorial


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