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Chris Hartjes' Blog:
Simple User Registration in CakePHP 1.2
Jan 10, 2008 @ 18:09:00

Chris Hartjes has posted a tutorial about the creation of a simple user registration system in an application developed in the CakePHP framework. In response to the popularity of his other article on using CakePHP's Auth component, he's created a bit of code to answer some questions.

People have been having some questions about how the password is hashed and questions about a user registration system. Of course, the snarky response is "go and read the source for Security::Hash() and create some of your own code", but it is easier to just give people some code so they stop asking.

His example code extends the User object for the model, makes a controller with a register() method call and creates the username/password form for the user the enter in their information.

tagged: user registration cakephp framework example auth component user registration cakephp framework example auth component


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