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Hasin Hayder's Blog:
Making a jobsite using PHP
Jan 24, 2008 @ 20:41:38

Hasin Hayder has started up a new project that he's documented in a new blog entry - the creation of a new jobs website in PHP.

I was involved in making a job site few days ago. During the development, I have studied how easily anyone can develop a job site using PHP (language independent in true sense) . So I decide to write a blog post about my experience and here it goes. But note that this article is not about scaling or balancing the load on your site during heavy traffic, heh heh.

He comments on the startup process surrounding this type of site and makes suggestions about something to consider for your careers site - pulling job content from other sites in two ways - screen scraping and using the job search APIs out there.

tagged: job website scrape content popular api


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