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PHP Site Search Made Easy
Mar 31, 2008 @ 17:35:52

On the Developer Tutorials site today, Akash Mehta has posted his look at having search functionality on your website.

Today's websites have a lot of content. [...] Needless to say, effectively searching all that data can be a real challenge, and chances are at the end of the day you'll still be stuck with a slow and ineffective search system. [...] Implementing effective search doesn't have to be hard. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to build a basic site-specific web search in just five lines of code, using the Yahoo! APIs.

He includes a (very) brief look at the search API Yahoo! offers followed by examples of queries and then on to the real deal, a search system that takes in a user query and asks the Yahoo! API for results matching it. The results are outputted below the box.

tagged: search engine yahoo api simple tutorial


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