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IBuildings Blog:
ATK and Caching
Apr 08, 2008 @ 16:22:22

On the IBuildings blog today, Sandy Pleyte has posted a look at using the ATK framework and what kind of effect its own recently added caching system (atkCache) has on its performance.

Now there is a cache object (atkCache) available in the ATK SVN trunk. The new atkCache class is a factory class, which builds and returns instances of atkCache which has all the methods to communicate with an external cache to handle the actual storage and retrieval.

It supports lots of different backend caching methods - APC, eAccelerator, the Zend Platform functionality, memcache, xcache and both file and variable caching.

He includes an example of its use - creating an object to cache to a file, configuring it with options like lifetime and path, and an example of its use (to cache a theme for a web page).

tagged: ibuildings atk caching framework example atkcache backend


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