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Community News:
PHP 5.1.3RC2 Released
Mar 31, 2006 @ 13:11:25

In this quick note from DynamicWebPages today, there's information about the posting of the latest release candidate for the PHP 5.1.3 series by Ilia - PHP 5.1.3RC2.

This is the last release candidate before the final version is (planned to be) released this coming Thursday, April 6th. Any and all help is appreciated in testing this release, so take a quick trip to Ilia's page to grab the source, and for those on Windows, the latest binaries.

tagged: 5.1.3rc2 released test source windows binaries 5.1.3rc2 released test source windows binaries


Community News:
PHP 5.1.3RC2 Released
Mar 31, 2006 @ 13:11:25

In this quick note from DynamicWebPages today, there's information about the posting of the latest release candidate for the PHP 5.1.3 series by Ilia - PHP 5.1.3RC2.

This is the last release candidate before the final version is (planned to be) released this coming Thursday, April 6th. Any and all help is appreciated in testing this release, so take a quick trip to Ilia's page to grab the source, and for those on Windows, the latest binaries.

tagged: 5.1.3rc2 released test source windows binaries 5.1.3rc2 released test source windows binaries


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