Looking for more information on how to do PHP the right way? Check out PHP: The Right Way

Adam Culp:
Developer advice
Jun 07, 2013 @ 15:13:39

Adam Culp has a great new post to his site sharing some of his thoughts and advice about advancing in a career in development for those that might feel a bit "stuck".

As the organizer of the SoFloPHP User Group I am often approached by entry to mid-level developers asking what they can do to advance in their career or become better developers. Of course I am nowhere near perfect but have been around long enough to get a few bumps and bruises along the way, so [this list] is what I usually share as some pointers.

Some of the things are PHP-specific, but a lot are just general good practices any developer should follow. His list includes things like:

  • It's okay to stay up late once and a while, but get some sleep
  • Track your time and get in the habit of knowing what you did with each hour
  • Certifications will not actually carry much value on your resume, so I would not make them a main focus.
  • Pick an IDE to use and learn it FULLY. I will not recommend one in this post, so explore and find one that fits how you want to work.
  • Always strive to make yourself replaceable. If you are replaceable you are also promotable, and you can go on vacation pain free.

He also suggests learning a few other tools like git (and github), a good IDE and having a "pet" full-stack framework. Check out the full post for more great tips.

tagged: developer advice advance career

Link: http://www.geekyboy.com/archives/692

How to progress my PHP skills?
Apr 29, 2013 @ 15:22:47

On Reddit.com a reader has asked the community what they think he needs to do to progress his PHP skills past the "little bit" he's learned so far.

Last summer I started learning a little bit of PHP, knowing HTML and CSS drove me towards wanting to learn some PHP for fun. I went through a pretty simple book, and made some simple websites (registration and message system, user submitted data, file uploads) using mostly tutorials which I tweaked a little bit. Since last summer I haven't learned anything new, but now that summer is coming along again I might be a bit bored, so I have been thinking of attempting to learn even more.

Suggestions included in the comments are things like:

  • Learn about software architecture.
  • Understand your environment.
  • I very highly suggest learning a PHP framework.
  • http://www.phptherightway.com
  • Start learning industry tools for PHP. It will all influence your coding style, and illustrate why some styles are considered best practices.
  • To add to the other suggestions, I recommend becoming a regular contributor to one or more open source projects.
  • What helped me a lot was to write my own micro framework using OOP that I can now use for future websites and web applications.
  • Come up with a 'complex' web site/application idea and get to it. Bonus points if you can launch it and make money off it (half kidding).

You can read the full set of comments for more good suggestions here.

tagged: skills suggestion opinion advance learn tools

Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/1d32dr/how_to_progress_my_php_skills

Advanced PHP Solutions with Zeev Suraski (Webcast)
Sep 20, 2006 @ 20:58:36

If you missed the Zend Webcast talking about "Advanced PHP Solutions" with Zeev Suaski, ComputerWorld has your chance to grab the download from it.

PHP continues to enjoy phenomenal growth becoming the de-facto standard for enterprise Web applications. With the introduction of PHP 5, PHP has reached new levels of support for Web Services, XML and Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) meeting the robust demands of the enterprise environment. Learn how you can achieve scalability, performance, availability and reliability for your enterprise-class PHP applications with advanced PHP solutions from Zend Technologies.

In the webcast, Zeev talks about integrating web services, tracking and improving the response times in your application, scaling your applications, and troubleshooting applications down to the exact line of code.

tagged: webcast zend advance solutions webservices responsive speed scale troubleshoot webcast zend advance solutions webservices responsive speed scale troubleshoot


Advanced PHP Solutions with Zeev Suraski (Webcast)
Sep 20, 2006 @ 20:58:36

If you missed the Zend Webcast talking about "Advanced PHP Solutions" with Zeev Suaski, ComputerWorld has your chance to grab the download from it.

PHP continues to enjoy phenomenal growth becoming the de-facto standard for enterprise Web applications. With the introduction of PHP 5, PHP has reached new levels of support for Web Services, XML and Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) meeting the robust demands of the enterprise environment. Learn how you can achieve scalability, performance, availability and reliability for your enterprise-class PHP applications with advanced PHP solutions from Zend Technologies.

In the webcast, Zeev talks about integrating web services, tracking and improving the response times in your application, scaling your applications, and troubleshooting applications down to the exact line of code.

tagged: webcast zend advance solutions webservices responsive speed scale troubleshoot webcast zend advance solutions webservices responsive speed scale troubleshoot


Marco van Hylckama Vlieg's Blog:
PHP developers - wakey wakey!
Feb 21, 2006 @ 13:22:18

In this post from Marco van Hylckama Vlieg motivating PHP developers to work harder at their code and move things up to the latest versions.

I placed this entry under 'programming' but it might as well have been placed under 'rants' really. I've been programming PHP for over six years now. It's still definitely my language of choice because of it's speed, ease of use, ease of deployment and last but not least: because of the huge community with all of it's advantages. However there's one thing that's really bugging me lately: PHP is seriously suffering from what a friend of mine called 'the Apache syndrome'. Apache 2.x has been released a long, long time ago. Yet, tons of servers are still running 1.3.x and they probably will continue to do so for years to come.

While this isn't all that serious for a webserver (as long as it serves it's stuff and the server doesn't break it's fine) I believe the case is different with PHP.

He goes on to say that PHP is loosing out on the "coolness factor" to Ruby on Rails, and that most PHP developers out there just aren't taking advantage of the new features/better performance that PHP5 has to offer.

tagged: developer wake up PHP5 advance miss out object-oriented developer wake up PHP5 advance miss out object-oriented


Marco van Hylckama Vlieg's Blog:
PHP developers - wakey wakey!
Feb 21, 2006 @ 13:22:18

In this post from Marco van Hylckama Vlieg motivating PHP developers to work harder at their code and move things up to the latest versions.

I placed this entry under 'programming' but it might as well have been placed under 'rants' really. I've been programming PHP for over six years now. It's still definitely my language of choice because of it's speed, ease of use, ease of deployment and last but not least: because of the huge community with all of it's advantages. However there's one thing that's really bugging me lately: PHP is seriously suffering from what a friend of mine called 'the Apache syndrome'. Apache 2.x has been released a long, long time ago. Yet, tons of servers are still running 1.3.x and they probably will continue to do so for years to come.

While this isn't all that serious for a webserver (as long as it serves it's stuff and the server doesn't break it's fine) I believe the case is different with PHP.

He goes on to say that PHP is loosing out on the "coolness factor" to Ruby on Rails, and that most PHP developers out there just aren't taking advantage of the new features/better performance that PHP5 has to offer.

tagged: developer wake up PHP5 advance miss out object-oriented developer wake up PHP5 advance miss out object-oriented


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