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Liip Blog:
Why a Project Switched from Google Search Appliance to Zend_Lucene
Jan 14, 2011 @ 14:28:05

On the Liip blog today there's a new post from David Buchmann looking at why a client of theirs moved away from a Google Search Appliance and towards Zend_Lucene for their searching needs.

Google technology does a good job when searching the wild and treacherous realms of the public internet. However, the commercial Google Search Appliance (GSA) sold for searching intranet websites did not convince me at all. For a client, we first had to integrate the GSA, later we reimplemented search with Zend_Lucene. Some thoughts comparing the two search solutions.

They replaced a search appliance with Lucene for a few reasons, some of which the GSA weren't doing very well: access protection, language detection and filtering by meta data. He describes the Lucene system that replaced it - separate processes for each website, checks on only changed documents, plain-text conversion and backups of the Lucene indexes, just in case. It's definitely a more flexible solution, though the initial indexing still takes a while. He also includes a small snippet of code showing how to read in binary files as plain text.

tagged: google search appliance zendlucene zendframework


PHPImpact Blog:
Virtual Appliances: LAMP development made easy
May 26, 2008 @ 17:05:14

On the PHP::Impact blog, Federico Cargnelutti shares some quick steps for setting up a virtual appliance on your system for "LAMP development made easy".

In this article I will show you why the LAMP platform has become the platform of choice for the development and deployment of high performance Web applications. To get a LAMP development environment fired up without the hassles of configuring everything from scratch you only need one thing, a Virtual Appliance.

He explains what the virtual appliance is and show the three step (really just two) process to getting things all set up and working with a complete Ubunutu, Taskel and Zend Framework installation layered on top of your OS now.

tagged: lamp development virtual appliance vmware ubuntu


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