On his site Josh Lockhart, author of Modern PHP and the Slim framework has shared advice for aspiring PHP developers, mainly centering around one core idea.
As a fledgling PHP developer, I aspired to be in the same league as legendary figures like Cal Evans, Chris Hartjes, Larry Garfield, Anthony Ferrara, Paul Jones, Sebastian Bergmann, Taylor Otwell, et al. I consider these folks members of PHP's inner sanctum, so to speak. They are decision makers, tool builders, and opinion shapers.[...] My advice to aspiring PHP developers: there is no great Wizard of OZ. There are only opinionated men and women behind a veil of authority who bicker of politics and standards. It's not magical. It's messy. It's a minefield of polarizing politics, sensitivities, and opinions.
He points out that, no matter why you say or do, there'll always be someone that will take it the wrong way - it's just human nature. He uses a recent example of an interaction he had with another member of the PHP community around contributor guidelines on a project.
Aspiring PHP developers, stay above the fray. Don't seek out a Wizard of OZ. He does not exist. PHP's inner sanctum isn't worth your time. Instead, do your research, recognize and avoid propaganda, and trailblaze your own path.