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Add Sting to PHP Apps with WASP Patterns
Sep 26, 2008 @ 16:19:56

In this new post to the PHPInfo site, Brian Fioca takes a look at the WASP framework and how it can help you develop your applications quickly.

In this article I will demonstrate the power and simplicity of developing PHP applications using the WASP Framework through the illustration of a simple user module design pattern. The example code will encompass the creation of a user account and subsequent login validation. In the course of this discussion, we will cover the creation of the three tiers of the application– model, view, and controller–and introduce a simple approach to using AJAX to save application form data and present flexible user interfaces.

The provides the code and database structure to make the application work, including the "touch of Ajax" made using the Prototype Javascript library.

tagged: wasp application framework tutorial contructor model view prototype ajax


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