The SitePoint PHP Blog has a new tutorial posted from author Reza Lavaryan showing you how to use the Crunz package to make cronjobs a bit simpler in a more framework-agnostic way.
In this article, we’re going to learn about a relatively new job scheduling library named Crunz. Crunz is a framework-agnostic library inspired by Laravel’s Task Scheduler, but improved in many ways. [...] Before getting started, you should have a firm grasp of cronjobs, so please read our in-depth walkthrough if you’re unfamiliar with how they work.
The tutorial then starts in on the code, getting the library installed and setting up a basic task example. The "task" files are sets of cron-formatted commands that are read and executed much like the cron daemon would on a Unix-based system. Example code for a task and command are included. They also talk about the "frequency" settings allowed by the library and the helper methods to make creating them simpler. The post also includes details about task lifetime, running conditions, configuration and parallelism (among other topics).