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Laravel News:
Quickly Dumping Laravel Queries
Nov 28, 2016 @ 18:49:36

The Laravel News site has a quick post today with a helpful hint for those trying to track down exactly what queries their Laravel application is performing on database calls. In this post they show two ways to get this information - one using the Debugbar and the other with a quick script.

When you are building an application and utilizing Eloquent it’s very easy to hit the N+1 problem. This is where you select a model and then later use lazy loading to fetch child records.

They give an example of selecting a user, grabbing it's list of "posts" and then looping through them causing queries to fire for each post individually. A fix for it is using the "with" method to pre-load them but determining this could be tricky. Enter their two solutions: the Laravel Debugbar package and this quick script shared by magkopian that listens for a "kernel.handled" event and outputs the results of the "getQueryLog" method with the Laravel "dd" helper.

tagged: laravel dump queries debugbar debugging sql database tip

Link: https://laravel-news.com/2016/11/quickly-dumping-laravel-queries/

Laravel News:
Debug Your App with the Laravel Debugbar
Feb 10, 2015 @ 15:34:12

The Laravel News site has a post introducing a tool you can use in your Laravel applications to help debug issues and performance, the Laravel Debug Bar.

The Laravel Debugbar by Barry vd. Heuvel is a package that allows you to quickly and easily keep tabs on your application during development. With a simple installation and powerful features the Debugbar package is one of the cornerstone packages for Laravel. The debugbar is already updated for Laravel 5 and I wanted to show you all the great features it includes.

The post includes instructions to get the debugbar installed (via Composer) and add it to your Laravel providers list. They walk through the basics of its features and screenshots of each. He also links you to the project documentation to provide more detail on each of the features.

tagged: laravel debug debugbar toolbar library provider tutorial introduction

Link: https://laravel-news.com/2015/02/laravel-debugbar/

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