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Zend Developer Zone:
A Reverse Debugger for PHP…wait…WHAT?
Nov 16, 2016 @ 17:51:28

On the Zend Developer Zone they have a post talking about an interesting project - a reverse debugger for PHP making it simpler to step forward and backwards through breakpoints in your PHP code (instead of just forward).

Honestly, when I originally tweeted this out I really wasn’t 100% sure what it did. You never know when you see things like “reverse debugger”. It’s one of those “I understand the words separately…” type of things. Then I watched the short video. HO-LY CRAP! Seriously, it is exactly what it says, it allows you to step debug forward AND backwards. Well, almost. You have to record the session first and then you can step forwards and backwards. Still it is a powerful tool.

The project, Don'tBug, hooks directly into any IDE that supports XDebug (just about all of them) making it easy to integrate into your current workflow. You can see it in action in this video over on YouTube.

tagged: reverse debugger language tool dontbug project xdebug

Link: https://devzone.zend.com/7400/reverse-debugger-php-wait/

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