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Stijn Leenknegt's Blog:
[PHP6] function-return-array idea!
Sep 07, 2007 @ 20:19:00

Stijn Leenknegt has posted a suggestion of his directed towards the developers behind PHP6 for a different way to return array values that he'd of found handy in working with his latest application (a Zend Framework app).

In his example, he currently returns the result of a get() call on a registry value to a variable and gets the first value (of an array) from it. His suggestion, though is to simplify it down to something like:

$one = Zend_Registery::get('myArray')[0];

Making it even easier (and more elegant) to work with returned array values.

So dev team of PHP, could you discuss this idea and maybe you can add this to PHP6.
tagged: function return array zendframework value elegant function return array zendframework value elegant


Stijn Leenknegt's Blog:
[PHP6] function-return-array idea!
Sep 07, 2007 @ 20:19:00

Stijn Leenknegt has posted a suggestion of his directed towards the developers behind PHP6 for a different way to return array values that he'd of found handy in working with his latest application (a Zend Framework app).

In his example, he currently returns the result of a get() call on a registry value to a variable and gets the first value (of an array) from it. His suggestion, though is to simplify it down to something like:

$one = Zend_Registery::get('myArray')[0];

Making it even easier (and more elegant) to work with returned array values.

So dev team of PHP, could you discuss this idea and maybe you can add this to PHP6.
tagged: function return array zendframework value elegant function return array zendframework value elegant


Will Ruby kill PHP?
Aug 07, 2006 @ 18:30:24

In his latest post today, Stefan Mischook asks the question every PHP developer (and company looking to invest in the language) out there is wondering - will Ruby kill PHP?

With the recent rise in popularity of the Ruby programming language (largely driven by the excellent but not perfect web framework called Rails), I've noticed a little fear in the air...fear on the part of some people in the PHP community.

Will Ruby kill PHP? The short answer is: no.

He takes the reader on a trip through his reasoning - things like "Ruby is elegant, but not complex" and "Java nerds love Ruby". But, one of the things that is talked most about for Ruby (everything's an object) is the same reason why PHPers and those looking for a quick, powerful, easy-to-use language will still stick with PHP.

tagged: ruby kill popularity elegant complex object ruby kill popularity elegant complex object


Will Ruby kill PHP?
Aug 07, 2006 @ 18:30:24

In his latest post today, Stefan Mischook asks the question every PHP developer (and company looking to invest in the language) out there is wondering - will Ruby kill PHP?

With the recent rise in popularity of the Ruby programming language (largely driven by the excellent but not perfect web framework called Rails), I've noticed a little fear in the air...fear on the part of some people in the PHP community.

Will Ruby kill PHP? The short answer is: no.

He takes the reader on a trip through his reasoning - things like "Ruby is elegant, but not complex" and "Java nerds love Ruby". But, one of the things that is talked most about for Ruby (everything's an object) is the same reason why PHPers and those looking for a quick, powerful, easy-to-use language will still stick with PHP.

tagged: ruby kill popularity elegant complex object ruby kill popularity elegant complex object


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