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Javascript style object literals in PHP
Jul 25, 2012 @ 15:44:25

On the BinaryTides.com site there's a recent post for those familiar with Javascript and wanting to have the same kind of object-style literals in PHP.

As similar thing [to Javascript object literals] can be done in PHP using anonymous functions (since 5.3) [...] Since version 5.3 Php added support for closures and that feature has been used above to create javascript style object literals. The use(&$a) expression makes the variable $a available inside the function happy.

Code snippets are included showing how to create these objects via the use of closures and a little trickery with call_user_func_array and __call to make assigning properties easier.

tagged: javascript object literal tutorial closure calluserfuncarray


Manipulating String Literals with Interpreter Classes in PHP 5
Apr 10, 2007 @ 14:08:00

DevShed has the second part of their look at the Interpreter design pattern series posted today. This time, they focus on the manipulation of string literals with Interpreter objects in a simple application.

Bearing in mind that in the first article of the series I illustrated how to use an interpreter class to handle a group of fictional users, in this tutorial I'm going to go teach you how to utilize this pattern for manipulating a set of string processing classes.

They start with a method (well, class really) of handling the strings themselves - a StringSaver class - that can write the information out to a file. On top of this, they create the Interpreter class, defining the different bits of functionality that can be performed on the string (uppercase, lowercase, etc). Finally, they combine the two in a simple example that applies the different interpretations to the given string.

tagged: tutorial string literal interpreter designpattern class php5 tutorial string literal interpreter designpattern class php5


Manipulating String Literals with Interpreter Classes in PHP 5
Apr 10, 2007 @ 14:08:00

DevShed has the second part of their look at the Interpreter design pattern series posted today. This time, they focus on the manipulation of string literals with Interpreter objects in a simple application.

Bearing in mind that in the first article of the series I illustrated how to use an interpreter class to handle a group of fictional users, in this tutorial I'm going to go teach you how to utilize this pattern for manipulating a set of string processing classes.

They start with a method (well, class really) of handling the strings themselves - a StringSaver class - that can write the information out to a file. On top of this, they create the Interpreter class, defining the different bits of functionality that can be performed on the string (uppercase, lowercase, etc). Finally, they combine the two in a simple example that applies the different interpretations to the given string.

tagged: tutorial string literal interpreter designpattern class php5 tutorial string literal interpreter designpattern class php5


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