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Christoph Rumpel:
Using Facebook Messenger Quick Replies with BotMan
Jul 03, 2018 @ 15:53:08

Christoph Rumpel, lead developer on the BotMan chatbot project, has a new tutorial posted to his site showing how to use Facebook Quick Replies with a BotMan instance.

I guess you already used quick replies for text buttons, right? But did you know that you can ask the user for email, phone number, and current location? It is time to give you a refresh of Facebook Messenger quick replies and how they work in the BotMan chatbot framework.

The post includes a video of the process of integrating these quick replies but also steps through all of the code required. Adding the replies is as easy as using the Button functionality included with the package and adding listeners. The tutorial also shows how to use them in conversations (rather than just one-off calls). It also provides a more "real world" example of asking the user for location, phone number and email with quick replies.

tagged: botman chatbot framework tutorial facebook messenger quickreply button

Link: https://christoph-rumpel.com/2018/07/using-facebook-messenger-quick-replies-with-botman

Christoph Rumpel:
Build a Facebook Messenger chatbot in Laravel with BotMan Studio 2.0
Sep 08, 2017 @ 14:26:01

Christoph Rumpel has written up a tutorial on his site showing you how to use Larave and the Botman package to create a simple chatbot for use on Facebook.

With BotMan it is really easy to setup a Facebook chatbot. This week the new 2.0 version was released. We will checkout how to setup a Facebook Messenger chatbot in this new version with BotMan Studio.

He starts with a list of requirements to be sure you have installed before proceeding. He then helps you get the Botman software installed and the command to bootstrap a Facebook bot instance. He includes instructions on how to test the bot and how to configure it to work with a Facebook application (requiring relevant token/secret information). From there he shows you how to set up the Facebook application and connect the bot to it via a webhook. The ngrok tool makes this easier as it exposes your local Laravel application on an external URL for testing. Finally, he shows how to test the integration by sending a few sample messages to the bot and getting responses.

tagged: facebook messenger chatbot laravel botman studio tutorial

Link: http://christoph-rumpel.com/2017/09/build-a-facebook-chatbot-with-laravel-and-botman-studio/

Laravel News:
The Artisan Files: Chris Gmyr
Jan 09, 2015 @ 15:51:27

The Laravel News site has posted their latest in the "Artisan Files" series today, this time spotlighting Chris Gmyr, author of the larave-messenger package.

This week I’m happy to have Chris Gmyr share a little about himself in this weeks Artisan Files interview.

They talk some about Chris and his background as a developer as well as:

  • Why he originally created the laravel-messenger package
  • His thoughts on using Laravel and AngularJS
  • What his favorite Laravel feature is
  • Some of his "must have" apps

He also shares his thoughts on how development could change in the next ten years. Check out the full post for the answers to these and other questions.

tagged: artisanfiles laravel news chrisgmyr messenger interview

Link: https://laravel-news.com/2015/01/artisan-files-chris-gmyr/

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