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Sameer Borate's Blog:
Detecting duplicate code in PHP files
Apr 08, 2009 @ 16:16:17

On his blog today Sameer looks at a method for finding duplicate code in your applications with the help of PHPCPD.

Duplicated code in projects is a frequent thing and also the one ripe for factoring out in a new class or function. Cut/Paste coding is a common development practice among programmers, a lot of which can lead to code size increase and maintenance nightmares. PHPCPD (php copy paste detector) is a PEAR tool that makes it easier to detect duplicate code in php projects. Below is a short tutorial on the PHPCPD package.

You can either install the tool via a PEAR channel or directly from the github site. Once its downloaded and extracted you can immediately run it on the subdirectory of your choice. He also includes a more extended example - a search on a minimum of 5 lines of 70 tokens found to trip the filter in finding cloned functionality.

tagged: phpcpd pear channel install tutorial copy paste detector


Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
Quality Assurance Tools for PHP
Mar 17, 2009 @ 17:02:53

Sebastian Bergmann has a new post that lists a few quality assurance testing tools you can use to ensure that you and your code are safe to make the jump to production.

He's laid out a map of the tools that can all interact to create a more robust environment for automatically building and testing your code. Here's his list:

The results of all of these tools running on your code is then fed into the CruiseControl instance and passed off to phpUnderControl for final deployment.

tagged: quality assurance tool phpcodesniffer phpmd phpcpd phpdepend phpunit phpundercontrol


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