In a new post to his blog Dave Marshall shares a homegrown migration tool he's created to help make database migrations a simpler task - phpmig.
I’ve previously blogged about migrations with phing and dbdeploy and also porting ActiveRecord::Migrations to PHP, now here I am again blogging about yet another way of doing migrations in PHP projects. Only maybe this time it’s different, maybe this time I’ve found a way I’m happy with...? Phpmig is a simple migrations system that was written to be easily adopted regardless of the framework or libraries you are using. It requires a little bit of setting up, but if you know you should be using migrations, you’re probably more than capable.
He's worked up a sample application to show you how to get things set up and working - a basic Silex-based application. Phpmig is used to create a basic bootstrap for the deployment that includes the use of Pimple for dependency injection and a command-line interface to generate a migration skeleton class for the up/down methods. The source for phpmig can be found on github.