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IBM developerWorks:
Create a Yahoo! SearchMonkey application
Oct 16, 2008 @ 14:36:20

The IBM developerWorks has a new tutorial they've posted (free registration required) looking at making a Yahoo! SearchMonkey application by combining an RDF document, transforming it with XSLT and binding it all together with PHP.

SearchMonkey is the first product from a mainstream search engine provider that takes advantage of Semantic Web technologies to enable you to produce more relevant search results and thus drive more traffic to your Web site. With common Web development technologies such as PHP, XSLT, and XPath, provide a better experience for searchers as you use structured data encoded in Web pages using Semantic Web standards such as Microformats, eRDF, and RDFa.

They start the tutorial by introducing the SearchMonkey technology and a sample application showing how to interface with it (enhancing the search results for the blogspot.com blogs). The XSLT comes in when formatting the RDF data (DataRSS) by overlaying the data on existing websites.

tagged: rdf xslt tutorial searchmonkey yahoo search result


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