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Tomas Votruba:
How to Get PHP 7.4 Typed Properties to Your Code in Few Seconds
Nov 19, 2018 @ 15:56:22

Tomas Votruba has a new post to his site showing you how you can get typed properties in your code "in a few seconds", a feature coming in the next major version of the language, PHP 7.4.

PHP 5.6 and 7.0 is going to be dangerous since 2019, PHP 7.1 is new baseline and PHP 7.3 is just about to be released in the end of 2018.

Is this the best time to upgrade your code to PHP 7.4?

He starts off by talking about the use of the @var annotation (DocBlock format) and how, while they can be informative, do nothing functionally speaking. He shows how to shift this over to a typed property, forcing the value to be an integer. He also covers current use of "best practices" when it comes to typing properties and how to think about future compatibility. He ends the post with the command you'd need to use - making use of the rector reformatter - to shift all of those @var annotations over to actual typed properties.

tagged: typed property php74 tutorial reformat var docblock comment

Link: https://www.tomasvotruba.cz/blog/2018/11/15/how-to-get-php-74-typed-properties-to-your-code-in-few-seconds/

Ian Barber's Blog:
Linear Regression in PHP (part 2)
Oct 19, 2011 @ 17:40:16

In a previous post Ian Barber started looking at code you could use to determine linear regression in PHP. In part two he restructures the code into a more manageable class rather than the mostly procedural process it was before.

In the last post we had a simple stepping algorithm, and a gradient descent implementation, for fitting a line to a set of points with one variable and one 'outcome'. As I mentioned though, it's fairly straightforward to extend that to multiple variables, and even to curves, rather than just straight lines. For this example I've reorganised the code slightly into a class to make life a little easier, but the main changes are just the hypothesis and learn functions.

He restructures the learning method to make it easier to reuse and includes a "scale data" method to compensate for irregularities in the data and compute the variance.

tagged: linear regression algorithm class reformat variance learning


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