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Encrypting Passwords with PHP for Storage Using the RSA PBKDF2 Standard
Sep 21, 2009 @ 16:19:09

On the ITnewb.com site today there's a new tutorial looking at the encryption of passwords in your PHP apps using the RSA PBKDF2 standard - a "Password-Based Key Derivation Function" that uses a pseudorandom function/input with a salt run multiple times to produce your derived key.

When creating password hashes for storage, many programmers will run a password through MD5 once and call it a day, rendering those hashes very susceptible to attack if they're discovered. In this article, you'll learn how to create stronger hashes with PHP by using the RSA PBKDF2 Standard.

They create a quick function that takes in a few different values - the password to encrypt, a salt value, how many iterations to run, how long you want the derived key to be and which hash to use (in this case sha256).

tagged: tutorial storage password rsa pbkdf2 standard


A Guide to Cryptography in PHP
May 06, 2008 @ 18:47:22

The DevX.com site has posted an introductory guide to using cryptography in PHP, showing how to use the various packages the language has to offer.

Cryptography is just one piece of the security puzzle, along with SSL/TLS, certificates, digital signatures, and so on. This article explains how to use PHP to implement the most common cryptographic algorithms. In addition to describing PHP's default encryption functions, you'll see how to use a wide variety of cryptographic libraries and packages.

They start with a look at some of the built-in functions like md5, sh1 and crypt as well as a table detailing the different encryption methods (like mcrypt, mhash or crypt_blowfish). They follow this up with examples of some of them including a method for making secret keys with the Crypt_DiffieHellman PEAR Package.

tagged: cryptography mcrypt mhash blowfish rsa hmac diffiehellman


Harry Fuecks' Blog:
Using OpenSSL, RSA and RC4 to exchange encrypted data from PHP to Java
Oct 30, 2007 @ 16:14:00

Harry Fuecks came across a need in his development work to bridge a gap between a PHP script and some Java work he'd done. He found the way that fit his situation the best - the encryption of the data on the PHP side via OpenSSL.

Needed a mechanism to be able to pass chunks of data securely from PHP to Java [...] One solution might be something "from scratch" involving mcrypt or PHP libraries like Crypt_RSA. [...] Another approach is GnuPG, either via the command line as discussed in this tutorial or via the GnuPG extension from PECL.

Option 3 is using OpenSSL and PHP's openssl_seal() function. SSL is normally used for encrypting networked communication between peers but that's not all it can do. [...] What's more - and perhaps the biggest win - it also allows us to re-use existing SSL certificates.

He uses the openssl_seal functionality on top of the EVP encrypted envelope on the certificate to handle the encrypt/decrypt of the data. Both the PHP code and Java code (and execution example) are included in the post.

tagged: rsa openssl rc4 encrypt decrypt java exchange data rsa openssl rc4 encrypt decrypt java exchange data


Harry Fuecks' Blog:
Using OpenSSL, RSA and RC4 to exchange encrypted data from PHP to Java
Oct 30, 2007 @ 16:14:00

Harry Fuecks came across a need in his development work to bridge a gap between a PHP script and some Java work he'd done. He found the way that fit his situation the best - the encryption of the data on the PHP side via OpenSSL.

Needed a mechanism to be able to pass chunks of data securely from PHP to Java [...] One solution might be something "from scratch" involving mcrypt or PHP libraries like Crypt_RSA. [...] Another approach is GnuPG, either via the command line as discussed in this tutorial or via the GnuPG extension from PECL.

Option 3 is using OpenSSL and PHP's openssl_seal() function. SSL is normally used for encrypting networked communication between peers but that's not all it can do. [...] What's more - and perhaps the biggest win - it also allows us to re-use existing SSL certificates.

He uses the openssl_seal functionality on top of the EVP encrypted envelope on the certificate to handle the encrypt/decrypt of the data. Both the PHP code and Java code (and execution example) are included in the post.

tagged: rsa openssl rc4 encrypt decrypt java exchange data rsa openssl rc4 encrypt decrypt java exchange data


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