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Building Your Startup:
Securing an API
May 22, 2017 @ 18:16:19

The TutsPlus.com site has continued their "Building Your Startup" tutorial series with a new post about APIs and security. In this series, they've been using the Yii2 framework to create a calendaring "startup" site. Now they're to the point of adding a "RESTful" API to the system and want to be sure it's secure.

Recently, I introduced you to Yii's simple REST API generation and Meeting Planner's new "RESTful" service API. At that time, I mentioned that these APIs were only loosely secured. Sure, there was a shared secret between the client and the server, but there were a couple of problems.

First, the secret key and user tokens were repeatedly transmitted in query parameters of SSL calls. And there was no other authenticity check for the data, allowing a middle-person attack. In today's episode, I'll guide you through how I secured the API against these weaknesses for a more robust API.

They start off looking at the API security that was previously put in place using an "app ID" and "app secret" values to identify the user. To improve on this, the system is updated to use the "app secret" value to sign the outgoing data via a HMAC hash that is sent along with the request.

tagged: api security tutorial yii2 build startup series hmac rest

Link: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/building-your-startup-securing-an-api--cms-27867

Paragon Initiative:
Preventing Timing Attacks on String Comparison with a Double HMAC Strategy
Nov 09, 2015 @ 18:07:19

The Paragon Initiative has a post showing you how to prevent timing attacks when comparing strings using a double HMAC method. Essentially this method replaces timing safe comparison methods (non-native) using a constant key in the HMAC generation.

One of the common cryptographic side-channels that developers should be aware of is how long a specific operation, such as a string comparison, takes to complete. Thus, they are called timing attacks. [...] Timing attacks are possible because string comparison (usually implemented internally via memcmp()) is optimized. [...] These concerns have led many security to propose a Double HMAC strategy instead of writing a constant time comparison loop where one is not already provided (e.g. PHP before 5.6.0).

He points out that while the has_equals approach can be effective in preventing this kind of issue, if you're not running PHP 5.6 you're a bit out of luck. There are polyfill functions that mimic it but he suggests another option - the double HMAC. He includes an example of the code to perform this kind of evaluation, using the same constant key value in the HMAC generation for both input strings. He then refactors this and shows how to use a more randomized key making use of the native CSPRNG functions coming in PHP 7 (ployfill available for this too).

tagged: prevent timing attack double hmac comparison hashequals polyfill

Link: https://paragonie.com/blog/2015/11/preventing-timing-attacks-on-string-comparison-with-double-hmac-strategy

Kevin Schroeder:
Generating secure cross site request forgery tokens (csrf)
Feb 11, 2013 @ 17:23:10

In this new post to his site Kevin Schroeder has a new post with his take on generating more secure CSRF tokens for use in your site.

In researching the second edition for the IBM i Programmer’s Guide to PHP Jeff and I decided to include a chapter on security since we really didn’t talk much about it in the first edition. I’m talking about cross site request forgeries right now and I wanted to make sure that what I was going to suggest would not break the internet in some way. I did some Google searching to see what other people were recommending.

Most of the examples he saw used md5, uniqid and rand to create a randomized hash. He suggests an alternative - a method using the hash_hmac and openssl_random_pseudo_bytes methods to generate a sha256 hash for use in your page's submissions.

tagged: csrf token generation hmac openssl


Abhinav Singh's Blog:
How to add content verification using hmac in PHP
Dec 08, 2009 @ 16:39:24

If you've ever wants an easy "drop in" kind of solution for helping to protect a portion of your site, you should check out this new post from Abhinav Singh about using the has_hmac functionality to do just that.

Many times a requirement arises where we are supposed to expose an API for intended users, who can use these API endpoints to GET/POST data on our servers. But how do we verify that only the intended users are using these API's and not any hacker or attacker. In this blog post, I will show you the most elegant way of adding content verification using hash_hmac (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) in PHP. This will allow us to restrict possible misuse of our API by simply issuing an API key for intended users.

You set up a private and public key for each of the users wanting to connect to the resource. They can then use the hmac functionality to set those over to the requesting page as a part of the message (GET/POST) where the public key is used to check the validity of the request and either allow or deny it.

tagged: content verification hmac hash tutorial


A Guide to Cryptography in PHP
May 06, 2008 @ 18:47:22

The DevX.com site has posted an introductory guide to using cryptography in PHP, showing how to use the various packages the language has to offer.

Cryptography is just one piece of the security puzzle, along with SSL/TLS, certificates, digital signatures, and so on. This article explains how to use PHP to implement the most common cryptographic algorithms. In addition to describing PHP's default encryption functions, you'll see how to use a wide variety of cryptographic libraries and packages.

They start with a look at some of the built-in functions like md5, sh1 and crypt as well as a table detailing the different encryption methods (like mcrypt, mhash or crypt_blowfish). They follow this up with examples of some of them including a method for making secret keys with the Crypt_DiffieHellman PEAR Package.

tagged: cryptography mcrypt mhash blowfish rsa hmac diffiehellman


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