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Titouan Galopin:
How to build a scalable Symfony application on Kubernetes
Aug 20, 2018 @ 16:23:17

Titouan Galopin has written up a post to his Medium.com site showing a method he's created to set up a scalable Symfony application on Kubernetes, a container management system.

Modern web applications are complex. The expectations of your users regarding your application are constantly increasing: nowadays, an application needs to be fast, convenient, easy to use and beautiful.

Meeting these demands can become another difficulty in the path towards creating a great product. [...] To ease this new difficulty and decrease the time spent on creating and maintaining these expected features, a modern application usually leverages many different components, from content delivery networks (CDN) to full text search services and load balancers.

[...] When you use such infrastructure, being able to interact easily with all its components from within your application is critical. This is where Kubernetes and Symfony are working together to help you achieve incredible results, extremely quickly.

The post starts by introducing some of the basics around Kubernetes for those not familiar with it and the platform they'll be using: Google Cloud Platform. He then talks some about using Symfony in a Kubernetes environment and the role that scalability plays in how you write your code. He makes a few suggestions to make it easier including:

  • Use Flysystem to store your application files in the managed file store
  • Configure Doctrine to use the provided SQL service
  • Use Redis for your cache and your sessions

There's a description for each item in the list, configuration examples where they'd help illustrate, and some links out to other resources for more information.

tagged: symfony tutorial kubernetes scaleable application docker container

Link: https://medium.com/@galopintitouan/how-to-build-a-scalable-symfony-application-on-kubernetes-30f23bf304e

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