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Smashing Magazine:
The Poetics Of Coding
May 06, 2010 @ 17:16:07

On the Smashing Magazine site today there's a new post with an interesting perspective on how writing code (regardless of the language) is similar to writing poetry - a more human spin on something generally thought of as logical and restrictive.

That’s an interesting metaphor. Recently, I’ve written about the different languages used by designers and developers, and also about the relationship between these coding languages and proper human language (specifically, English). As someone who graduated from university with a degree in English Literature and came to Web design in a roundabout way, this kind of thinking has always interested me.

He starts at a high level looking at a superficial similarity in how they're structured on the page and how they can use just the things they need to get their point across. He also talks about the bad code/bad poetry similarities and how purpose, meaning and structure all come into play.

Be sure to check out the great comments for more thoughts on the subject.

tagged: poem coding opinion similarity


Reinhold Weber's Blog:
From PHP to Ruby - 30 similarities and differences
Dec 31, 2007 @ 19:43:00

Reinhold Weber has posted his lists of some of the similarities and differences between Ruby and PHP:

If you are a PHP developer chances are you have heard some of the buzz on Ruby on Rails, an open source web framework for rapid application development. [...] These are similarities and differences of Ruby compared to PHP. If you know PHP, this should give you a good and quick insight in what Ruby is all about and how it compares to PHP.

Some of the similarities include the dynamic typing, class scoping, heredoc abilities and current object references. Differences include syntax differences, method calling, naming conditions and Ruby's lack of interface/abstract classes.

tagged: rubyonrails ruby difference similarity list rubyonrails ruby difference similarity list


Reinhold Weber's Blog:
From PHP to Ruby - 30 similarities and differences
Dec 31, 2007 @ 19:43:00

Reinhold Weber has posted his lists of some of the similarities and differences between Ruby and PHP:

If you are a PHP developer chances are you have heard some of the buzz on Ruby on Rails, an open source web framework for rapid application development. [...] These are similarities and differences of Ruby compared to PHP. If you know PHP, this should give you a good and quick insight in what Ruby is all about and how it compares to PHP.

Some of the similarities include the dynamic typing, class scoping, heredoc abilities and current object references. Differences include syntax differences, method calling, naming conditions and Ruby's lack of interface/abstract classes.

tagged: rubyonrails ruby difference similarity list rubyonrails ruby difference similarity list


RefreshinglyBlue Blog:
PHP vs Ruby - Practical Language Differences
Sep 03, 2007 @ 18:57:00

From the RefreshinglyBlue blog, there's a new post that makes a comparison between two of the most popular web scripting languages - PHP and Ruby - on a practical, basic level.

There are rather significant syntactical differences between PHP and Ruby. For example PHP requires semicolons at the end of lines and generally requires curly brackets to enclose blocks of code. Ruby, on the other hand, uses newline characters to denote the end of a line of code...

The post goes through other differences like: value return methods, function/method naming, similarities between them, frameworks, namespaces, documentation and hosting options.

tagged: language difference similarity practical syntax framework namespace documentation language difference similarity practical syntax framework namespace documentation


RefreshinglyBlue Blog:
PHP vs Ruby - Practical Language Differences
Sep 03, 2007 @ 18:57:00

From the RefreshinglyBlue blog, there's a new post that makes a comparison between two of the most popular web scripting languages - PHP and Ruby - on a practical, basic level.

There are rather significant syntactical differences between PHP and Ruby. For example PHP requires semicolons at the end of lines and generally requires curly brackets to enclose blocks of code. Ruby, on the other hand, uses newline characters to denote the end of a line of code...

The post goes through other differences like: value return methods, function/method naming, similarities between them, frameworks, namespaces, documentation and hosting options.

tagged: language difference similarity practical syntax framework namespace documentation language difference similarity practical syntax framework namespace documentation


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