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Doug Hill's Blog:
60 Days : What is it?
Dec 24, 2008 @ 18:33:35

Doug Hill has proposed a new project that he hopes to get the community behind - 60 Days:

60 Days is an idea I had while trying to decide what to do with the domains I have sitting around doing nothing — (well nothing but being a nagging reminder that I'll never have time for every idea that pops into my head, and that domain names cost money to keep).

The goal of the project is to take a domain you're not currently using (and you know you have some out there) and making something - a "real world project" - on it in 60 days. the catch is that, for each domain you use for the effort, it has to be a different PHP framework. Keep an eye out for the January 1 launch date for more details.

tagged: sixty days project effort domain name framework different realworld


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