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Herberto Graca:
Event-Driven Architecture
Oct 10, 2017 @ 15:28:19

In this new post to his site Herberto Graca has posted the latest part of his "The Software Architecture Chronicles* series, focusing this time on event-driven architectures.

This post is part of The Software Architecture Chronicles, a series of posts about Software Architecture. In them, I write about what I’ve learned on Software Architecture, how I think of it, and how I use that knowledge. The contents of this post might make more sense if you read the previous posts in this series.

Using events to design applications is a practice that seems to be around since the late 1980s. We can use events anywhere in the frontend or backend. When a button is pressed, when some data changes or some backend action is performed.

But what is it exactly? When should we use it and how? What are the downsides?

He starts by talking about the "what", "when" and "why" of using events to drive the architecture of the system, going into each of the topics in a bit more depth:

  • To decouple components
  • To perform async tasks
  • To keep track of state changes (audit log)

He then goes on to talk about common patterns for event-driven applications including event notification, event-carried state transfer and event sourcing.

tagged: event architecture software decouple async state notification sourcing

Link: https://herbertograca.com/2017/10/05/event-driven-architecture/

Loïc Faugeron:
Mars Rover, Event Sourcing code
Aug 03, 2016 @ 15:39:52

Loïc Faugeron has continued his series developing the code for a "Mars Lander" coding exercise with this latest post sharing the actual code for the event sourcing functionality started in the previous tutorial.

In this series we're building the software of a Mars Rover, according to the following specifications. It will allow us to practice the followings: Monolithic Repositories (MonoRepo), Command / Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing (ES) and Test Driven Development (TDD). Up until now, we've implemented the first use case, "Landing a rover on Mars".

We've also created an event-sourcing package with the following interfaces: Event, AnEventHappened and EventStore. In this article, we're going to implement them.

He then starts in using phpspec to generate the Event class for him and gives it a basic structure. He fleshes this out with a bit of functionality (to make the tests pass) and moves on to the "AnEventHappened" class. He generates the class in the same way as before and adds a "just now" method to return the event that "just happened". The last class, the "EventStore" could do different things depending on the storage method, so he's delaying that for now and will implement it later.

tagged: mars rover tutorial series event sourcing phpspec

Link: https://gnugat.github.io/2016/08/03/mars-rover-event-sourcing-code.html

PHP Roundtable:
049: Event Sourcing in PHP
Aug 01, 2016 @ 15:49:11

The PHP Roundtable podcast, hosted by Sammy Powers, has posted their latest episode today featuring guests Beau Simensen, Ross Tuck, Shawn McCool and Willem-Jan Zijderveld talking about event sourcing.

We spend much of our time as developers managing the state in our applications. There are many different approaches and philosophies attributed to reading, mutating and storing state.

The Event Sourcing pattern is an approach to managing application state. If we think of any given state of our app as a frame in a video, Event Sourcing allows us to scrub through past states of the app. Today we discuss what Event Sourcing is and how we can start integrating it into our PHP apps.

You can watch this latest episode either through the in-page video player or directly on YouTube. If you enjoy the show, be sure to subscribe to their feed and follow them on Twitter for the latest on when future shows are being recorded and released.

tagged: phproundtable podcast video ep49 event sourcing

Link: https://www.phproundtable.com/episode/event-sourcing-in-php

Loïc Faugeron:
Mars Rover, Event Sourcing package
Jul 27, 2016 @ 16:51:05

Loïc Faugeron has continued his "Mars Rover" series in his latest post today. This series, based on a set of specifications from a development challenge. In this latest post he continues looking at event sourcing and creates a package to handle the eventing to make it more flexible and robust.

In this series we're building the software of a Mars Rover, according to the following specifications. It will allow us to practice the followings: Monolithic Repositories (MonoRepo), Command / Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing (ES) Test Driven Development (TDD).

Up until now, we've implemented the first use case, "Landing a rover on Mars" [and] in the last article, we wrote some Event Sourcing code. [...] In this article, we're going to extract them from the navigation package and put them in their own event-sourcing package.

He starts by creating the package itself as a Composer package including the composer.json configuration and a few other files to have phpspec work correctly. He then adds the event-sourcing package to the main project and starts in on using phpspec to generate its basic files. He then updates the main Lander class to use this new package for events. There's no code in the eventing classes yet, but stay tuned for the next tutorial in the series that will update them and get it all working together.

tagged: mars rover tutorial series landing event sourcing package phpspec

Link: https://gnugat.github.io/2016/07/27/mars-rover-event-sourcing-package.html

Loïc Faugeron:
Mars Rover, Landing event
Jul 20, 2016 @ 14:33:05

Loïc Faugeron has posted the latest tutorial in his series about developing a "Mars Rover" script using various design patterns and principles. In this latest part of the series he looks at handling the "landing event" of the rover.

In this series we're going to build the software of a Mars Rover, according to the following specifications. [...] Previously we've created a navigation package, and in it a LandRover class that validates input parameters for our first use case. [...] We've then refactored it to extract coordinates and orientation in their own classes.

In this article we're going to create the actual landing logic, using Event Sourcing

He then starts in, creating the tests first because of TDD, on the LandRoverHandler to integrate a command architecture (using the Command Bus pattern). He then sets up the structure for the event sourcing and an basic event for the landing of the rover. This includes the handler for the event, the event itself and the storage method for capturing that the event happened. He fills in the generated classes with a bit of logic and a few updates to the test for the new structure.

tagged: mars rover tutorial series landing event sourcing orientation phpspec

Link: https://gnugat.github.io/2016/07/20/mars-rover-landing-event.html

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