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Full CodeIgniter Textmate Bundle
Oct 15, 2009 @ 12:57:21

TextMate users working on CodeIgniter projects will be happy to see this new bundle they can add to their list full of handy shortcuts for the framework.

This is a complete CodeIgniter TextMate/E-Texteditor bundle. It includes shortcuts for every CodeIgniter helper function, and library included in CodeIgniter 1.7.2. Tab stops and default values are provided.

You can a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/cibundle/">grab the bundle directly from its page on SourceForge. This preview image gives you an idea of some of the shortcuts included.

tagged: codeigniter textmate bundle framework


Raphael Stolt's Blog:
Kicking off custom Phing task development with TextMate
Aug 24, 2009 @ 13:17:27

In this new entry to his blog Raphael Stolt shows how to combine TextMate's snippets (handy bits that can be inserted/executed over and over) and Phing to run custom tasks.

As a reader of this blog you might have noticed that from time to time I like to utilize Phing's ability to write custom tasks. [...] This is actually a bad habit/practice I'm aware of and to improve my future endeavours in custom Phing task development, I bended TextMate's snippet feature to my needs.

He includes the snippet code example so you can copy and paste it over if you'd like to work it into your routine. This can be dropped directly into the Bundles editor and have a tab trigger applied to make using it even easier.

tagged: phing task textmate bundle


Maggie Nelson's Blog:
Finally, pretty syntax highlighting for blog posts!
Mar 02, 2009 @ 18:52:27

Maggie Nelson points out a cool way that you TextMate users out there can get better syntax highlighted code for your blog posts.

A coworker, Craig Campbell just launched a new blog recently. One of the really neat things about his blog is how he handles syntax highlighting for code samples - check out examples in his interesting post about Cool Object Building with PHP. In fact, he got so many good comments about this approach that he even wrote a post explaining exactly how he does it: Syntax Highlighting for Your Blog Using TextMate.

Craig's process is as simple as selecting the TextMate bundle and choosing "Create HTML from Document with Line Numbers". The resulting output takes a little tweaking in the HTML and CSS, but the end result is quite nice (and better than several of the syntax highlighting plugins out there).

tagged: blog syntax highlight textmate export html css


Textmate - php syntax check
Jan 27, 2009 @ 18:55:22

If you're a fan of the Textmate editor for the Mac platform, you might want to check out this new post from the cssgallery website. It shows how you can get your favorite editor to check your PHP syntax for you.

A nice "hidden" feature that Textmate has, is to check the syntax of the php files you are writing, and display a popup with the result. [...] Each time you save, a syntax check will be done, and a popup will show you the result

You'll need to edit the PHP bundle slightly to get things working, but that's as easy as going through the UI and changing a drop-down value to activate the check. You'll need to have a php binary where the editor can use it, but most OS X installs will have that in place anyway. Check out this image to see the end result.

tagged: textmate editor bundle edit syntax check save


Raphael Stolt's Blog:
Creating Zend Framework snippets for TextMate
Feb 21, 2008 @ 15:39:00

Raphael Stolt has posted a new entry to his blog that talks about combining two things that many developers out there already use - the Zend Framework and the TextMate editor. He shows hos to make some useful code snippets that can be customized to whatever you might need.

To reduce the typing effort for the most common tasks in creating a Zend Framework based application, which are creating action controllers including their hosted actions and creating new models for accessing the underlying database, I spent some minutes to figure out how to create and add these valuable snippets to the default PHP bundle.

The contents of the examples snippets are included - one to set up a controller, one to add an action to it and an third that will automatically set a table name property.

tagged: zendframework textmate snippet example controller action table


Clay Loveless' Blog:
TextMate and phpDoc Comment Blocks
Jun 21, 2006 @ 11:04:09

On the KillerSoft blog today, there's a few comments from Clay Loveless about his trial of Textmate, specifically when dealing with phpDocumentor comment blocks.

I've been a BBEdit user for a decade, and despite my switch to Zend Studio last fall for the bulk of my PHP development, I still find myself going to plain text editors for little tweaks, or less formal "hack it out" efforts.

There are a few things that I've grown very accustomed to as a Zend Studio user over the past several months. One of those is typing "/**" in a PHP document and having a full phpDocumentor docblock appear magically, with the cursor insertion point set on the first line of the comment area.

Unfortunately, TextMate doesn't handle it quite that way, but he's found a similar way to accomplish it - using "doc_cp" followed by a TAB. It doesn't quite handle the preformatted blocks as well as Zend's software does, but that's nothing the scripting features of TextMate can't take care of - he shows you how.

tagged: textmate phpdocumentor preformatted shortcut comment blocks textmate phpdocumentor preformatted shortcut comment blocks


Clay Loveless' Blog:
TextMate and phpDoc Comment Blocks
Jun 21, 2006 @ 11:04:09

On the KillerSoft blog today, there's a few comments from Clay Loveless about his trial of Textmate, specifically when dealing with phpDocumentor comment blocks.

I've been a BBEdit user for a decade, and despite my switch to Zend Studio last fall for the bulk of my PHP development, I still find myself going to plain text editors for little tweaks, or less formal "hack it out" efforts.

There are a few things that I've grown very accustomed to as a Zend Studio user over the past several months. One of those is typing "/**" in a PHP document and having a full phpDocumentor docblock appear magically, with the cursor insertion point set on the first line of the comment area.

Unfortunately, TextMate doesn't handle it quite that way, but he's found a similar way to accomplish it - using "doc_cp" followed by a TAB. It doesn't quite handle the preformatted blocks as well as Zend's software does, but that's nothing the scripting features of TextMate can't take care of - he shows you how.

tagged: textmate phpdocumentor preformatted shortcut comment blocks textmate phpdocumentor preformatted shortcut comment blocks


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