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Michelangelo van Dam's Blog:
Fosdem 2009 in review
Feb 12, 2009 @ 18:08:20

Michelangelo van Dam has posted his summary of his experience at this year's FOSDEM conference (Free & Open Source Developers European Meeting) and includes some answers to the "top five" questions they were asked there.

On days like these, we're a central point for information and people used the opportunity to ask us a lot of questions regarding PHP.

Their top five list varied from questions about training and certifications to where they might find a local PHP user group. Here's the full list:

  • Where can I/our company turn to for advanced PHP training courses ?
  • Is there a certification program for PHP developers (like for Java, .Net, ...) ?
  • Is PHP enterprise ready ?
  • I'm from ..., is there a PHP user group in my neighborhood ?
  • Where can I get more information about PHP ?
tagged: topfive question fosdem09 opensource training certification enterprise usergroup


PHPedia Blog:
Top 5 PHP replacements for Apache default directory listing
Jul 24, 2008 @ 15:21:25

The PHPedia blog has posted their top five list if scripts to replace the default listing Apache does for a directory without an index file.

Here's their list:

Check out the PHPedia post for example screenshots of each.

tagged: directory listing apache topfive default software


Programming Community Index for April 2007
Apr 10, 2007 @ 17:26:00

According to the latest results from the TIOBE Software Programming Community Index (Popularity) for April 2007, PHP has remained in the top five of the list, staying strong at number four.

It saw a loss of 2.24% from the previous ranking but, thankfully, the rest of the top five saw the same kind of decrease. According to their long term trends, PHP is seeing an overall decline (right along with Java) as one of the top languages. Other languages like C++, Python, and Ruby are currently growing in use but don't quite have the percentage of adoption needed yet.

Their results also show a good jump in the adoption of object-oriented languages, but a drop in procedural language use.

tagged: programmingindex monthly topfive decrease programmingindex monthly topfive decrease


Programming Community Index for April 2007
Apr 10, 2007 @ 17:26:00

According to the latest results from the TIOBE Software Programming Community Index (Popularity) for April 2007, PHP has remained in the top five of the list, staying strong at number four.

It saw a loss of 2.24% from the previous ranking but, thankfully, the rest of the top five saw the same kind of decrease. According to their long term trends, PHP is seeing an overall decline (right along with Java) as one of the top languages. Other languages like C++, Python, and Ruby are currently growing in use but don't quite have the percentage of adoption needed yet.

Their results also show a good jump in the adoption of object-oriented languages, but a drop in procedural language use.

tagged: programmingindex monthly topfive decrease programmingindex monthly topfive decrease


Top 5 new (and cool!) features in PHP5 that you probably haven't heard of
Jan 05, 2007 @ 16:42:00

From the Vexxhost.com blog today comes a quick overview of some of the "new and cool features" of PHP 5 that you might not have heard of - a top five list.

PHP5 has brought so much new features but because of its big syntax changes, a big percentage of the PHP developing base has not made the change. Here are the top new features that could change your mind.

The list they've created includes:

  • Better error handling with exceptions
  • Completely rewritten MySQL extension
  • A heck of a lot more useful functions
  • Finally! SQLite database support!
  • The best damn OOP support period
with each having a bit of a explanatory paragraph...

tagged: topfive list feature php5 exception mysql sqlite oop support topfive list feature php5 exception mysql sqlite oop support


Top 5 new (and cool!) features in PHP5 that you probably haven't heard of
Jan 05, 2007 @ 16:42:00

From the Vexxhost.com blog today comes a quick overview of some of the "new and cool features" of PHP 5 that you might not have heard of - a top five list.

PHP5 has brought so much new features but because of its big syntax changes, a big percentage of the PHP developing base has not made the change. Here are the top new features that could change your mind.

The list they've created includes:

  • Better error handling with exceptions
  • Completely rewritten MySQL extension
  • A heck of a lot more useful functions
  • Finally! SQLite database support!
  • The best damn OOP support period
with each having a bit of a explanatory paragraph...

tagged: topfive list feature php5 exception mysql sqlite oop support topfive list feature php5 exception mysql sqlite oop support


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