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Transferring Huge XML Documents in PHP with an Ajax-driven Web Interface
Aug 11, 2010 @ 14:15:20

On PHPBuilder.com there's a new tutorial posted about combining PHP and Ajax to move large XML data around via a web interface.

A simple way to transfer XML documents onto a server is to use an Ajax-driven Web interface to upload the files. However, this approach won't work for huge XML files because Ajax doesn't support uploading of files that large. In this article you will learn an innovative solution for transferring huge XML documents on the server via a Web interface using Ajax and the GET method.

Their method takes the XML and puts it in a string then breaks it up into chunks to make it easier to transport. These chunks are then sent via an Ajax request and pushed into an XML file. Full code is included for the tool and a few screenshots of their example in action.

tagged: transfer xml file ajax interface tutorial


Four Ways to Transfer Data Between Flash and PHP
Feb 05, 2008 @ 18:58:00

The DevX.com site has posted some code that gives you methods for passing information back and forth between PHP and a Flash application.

When you need to develop a web form with a special design and great effects, you will probably elect to use Flash. But building and programming Flash forms is considerably different from building standard HTML-based forms. [...] To do that though, you need to know how to access data in the Flash form and (sometimes) how to update the Flash form from PHP as well.

They help you build a sample Flash form as a base to work with in the transfer methods including the ActionScript to get the data out of each field. The tutorial shows the two way communication that's possible - pushing the Flash values out to the PHP script via a getURL() call and pulling the results back in with a call to loadVars() from the PHP script's output.

tagged: data transfer flash application form script backend loadvars geturl


PHP Web Services Blog:
What is Missing in PHP SOAP Extension?
Jan 24, 2008 @ 17:22:00

On the PHP Web Services blog today, Sami asks "what's missing from PHP's SOAP extension" that needs to be added or corrected.

PHP SOAP extension is good to get started, to play around with. However, it falls much short in meeting the enterprise demands in the SOA era.

He talks about things missing (like binary file features and lots of security features). He also notes something that most PHP developers love about the extension - the WSDL parsing that makes it so easy to simply call a remote service without having to go through the pain of hacking through it yourself.

tagged: soap extension native wsdl security binary file transfer


Northclick Blog:
The real power of PHP stream wrappers
Nov 20, 2006 @ 16:06:00

In this new post on the Northclick blog, Soenke talks about the stream wrappers included in PHP and some of the magic that can happen when they're applied correctly. In this case, it's an application of the ssh2 library (by Sara Golemon).

The new system must be very stable with a strict error checking and has to support several ways of file transports (FTP, SCP/SFTP). SCP is faster then FTP and secure by nature. It's going to be the standard way for deployment.

After finding and loading the extension, things flowed along swimmingly - the code shows a simple transfer method of transfer over a secure ftp connection, complete with a few performance stats at the end.

tagged: power stream wrappers secure ftp transfer spl power stream wrappers secure ftp transfer spl


Northclick Blog:
The real power of PHP stream wrappers
Nov 20, 2006 @ 16:06:00

In this new post on the Northclick blog, Soenke talks about the stream wrappers included in PHP and some of the magic that can happen when they're applied correctly. In this case, it's an application of the ssh2 library (by Sara Golemon).

The new system must be very stable with a strict error checking and has to support several ways of file transports (FTP, SCP/SFTP). SCP is faster then FTP and secure by nature. It's going to be the standard way for deployment.

After finding and loading the extension, things flowed along swimmingly - the code shows a simple transfer method of transfer over a secure ftp connection, complete with a few performance stats at the end.

tagged: power stream wrappers secure ftp transfer spl power stream wrappers secure ftp transfer spl


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