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International PHP Magazine:
Poll Question: What are the Features you want to see in PHPUnit Projects
Mar 21, 2007 @ 14:49:00

The International PHP Magazine has posted their latest results from this past week's poll. They asked readers to vote on which of the options they wanted most to see in PHPUnit projects.

Tying for first place were the two open-ended options, "All" and "None" - both with 17.8% percent of the votes. Falling down to the next slot was the "Web interface for Test Result Database" option, followed by "Support for Distributed Testing".

Be sure to cast your vote in this week's poll too. They ask you, the reader, to vote which of the features listed is the best that the PHPExcel package has to offer (including "Setting Spreadsheet Meta Data" and "Adding Images to your Spreadsheet").

tagged: weeklypoll phpunit project feature phpexcel package weeklypoll phpunit project feature phpexcel package


International PHP Magazine:
Poll Question: What are the Features you want to see in PHPUnit Projects
Mar 21, 2007 @ 14:49:00

The International PHP Magazine has posted their latest results from this past week's poll. They asked readers to vote on which of the options they wanted most to see in PHPUnit projects.

Tying for first place were the two open-ended options, "All" and "None" - both with 17.8% percent of the votes. Falling down to the next slot was the "Web interface for Test Result Database" option, followed by "Support for Distributed Testing".

Be sure to cast your vote in this week's poll too. They ask you, the reader, to vote which of the features listed is the best that the PHPExcel package has to offer (including "Setting Spreadsheet Meta Data" and "Adding Images to your Spreadsheet").

tagged: weeklypoll phpunit project feature phpexcel package weeklypoll phpunit project feature phpexcel package


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