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Zend Developer Zone:
Cachegrind-less profiling with Xdebug 2.0
Oct 23, 2008 @ 12:58:08

In this new post on the Zend Developer Zone Richard Thomas points out a way he's creates to mimic the cachgrind software that parses XDebug profile output.

Cachegrind provides a nice graphical display of your profiling information but I run Mac OSX [...] What I needed was a way to replicate the old Xdebug 1.x functionality. From this the idea of "PHPGrind" was born. Right now its just a proof of concept but I am hoping with some more understanding of the cachegrind format I can make it into something as useful as the graphical versions.

His application grabs the cachegrind file and processes through it to pull out the events, version information and the target profiled and outputs them in a simple loop at end.

Commentors on the post also suggest Webgrind and MacallGrind.

tagged: cachegrind xdebug output profile phpgrind maccallgrind webgrind


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