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Ian Selby's Blog:
Dynamically Add Functions to PHP Classes
Jan 05, 2009 @ 16:26:50

Ian Selby has posted a new tutorial today looking at something that can be very handy in the right situations - dynamically adding new functions to an already defined PHP class.

I've gotten a lot of great suggestions for features [for PHP Thumbnailer], and have wanted to add them, but at the same time don't as I would prefer not to bloat the class with all sorts of functionality. So I started thinking about how I could provide certain functionality for people that want it, without either simply making it a part of the class (and making it more bloated as a result), or coming up with all sorts of extended classes to maintain and distribute.

His solution was to add functionality dynamically to the class as plugins. Each plugin is defined as its own class (to keep things standardized) and will be included/executed by a base controller class. He includes some sample code showing how to create a basic user object that can store the first and last names of the user in question.

tagged: dynamic add function method class plugin tutorial user


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