You're all thinking it - Cal Evans finally just put it into words with his list of "lists [he] never wants to see again" in the PHP world.
Lists are all the rave these days for bloggers. The reason is obvious, they require very little thought or research to create. So, in keeping with the current trend, here is my list of three lists never want to see again.
His list of three are posts that contain:
- 5,000 PHP classes and tutorials
- 50 new PHP tricks you didn’t know, didn’t want to know, and will get you fired if you ever use them on the job
- Top PHP Frameworks
Blog posts should be about real content, not just spitting back out something anyone could put together in ten minutes with a little copy and paste. As Cal puts it:
If you are using a new PHP class, CMS, framework, or have a new technique you want to share, share it. Write a blog post and tell me how or why it solved your problem; bonus points if you describe the problem that it solved. You are not adding to the conversation is you are just recapping what others have said.