On SitePoint.com today introducing you to a lightweight, powerful framework that's recently had a lot of buzz around it - CodeIgniter. In this new tutorial they introduce you to the framework and help you create a new controller and view.
As a web developer, you’ve probably found yourself in the middle of a PHP-based project where you can’t help but feel you’re heading inevitably towards a Fisher Space Pen of your own. You’re bogged in an ocean of code, not all of it bug-free, some of it superfluous, much of it commented out-and large parts of it interwoven with a complexity that would give an orb-weaving spider a migraine. What you're looking for a is a really good pencil. Say hello to CodeIgniter.
They start by introducing you to the concept of a Model/View/Controller framework and show you how that corresponds to a location in the URL. They point out the included "Welcome" controller and view and step you through the creation of a "Site" controller and matching view.