On PHPMaster.com today there's a new tutorial that wants to help you "untangle MVC" with the help of the CodeIgniter framework. The tutorial is an introduction to the Model/View/Controller design pattern and how it's implemented in this popular framework.
If you want to develop applications with sell-structured, readable code that you can quickly diagnose problems in, then MVC is for you. In this article I’ll untangle the mysteries of MVC for you using CodeIgniter, a PHP framework based on the MVC pattern. I’ll first present a high level overview of MVC, what it is and how it can help you to become a better programmer, and then guide you through writing a simple web form the CodeIgniter way so you can see how the pattern looks in action.
They briefly describe MVC (favoring instead for showing it later in the CodeIgniter examples) and help you get a copy of the framework installed. They show you how to create a first controller, the corresponding view and make a model that extends the base and inserts address information into a database table.