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PHPUnit Now Available via Composer
Sep 19, 2012 @ 15:52:23

In case you missed the tweet where it was mentioned, thanks to some work from Clay Loveless, the popular PHP unit testing tool, PHPUnit, can now be installed via Composer.

Thanks to this pull request on the project, adding PHPUnit to your project (and its dependencies) are a few simple commands away:

The package-composer.json file, coupled with package.xml and the package2composer script that is part of the Conductor package at http://pear.claylo.com/ is all that is needed to update the composer.json file. Simply run package2composer in the top level of the checkout to regenerate composer.json to reflect changes made to package.xml

If you're not using PHPUnit to test your code currently, you can find out more about it and its use in the current manual.

tagged: phpunit composer update package install


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