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Juan Treminio:
Composer Namespaces in 5 Minutes
Oct 02, 2012 @ 20:47:32

Juan Treminio has a new post to his site today talking about Composer and namespacing and shows you how the two work together to make using 3rd party tools easy.

You’ve heard of Composer, right? The nifty new tool for PHP that aims to centralize and streamline package management? Do you also know of, but don’t really understand how namespaces work in PHP? Then let’s set you straight! In 5 minutes you’ll learn how Composer’s autoloader and namespaces work!

He's broken it up into a few sections:

  • Getting Composer up and running
  • Making a basic "composer.json" file
  • Going through what the "install" creates (including the "autoload_namespaces.php" file)
  • Using the vendor/ autoloader

As a bonus, he also shows how to implement your own namespacing in the "composer.json" file if you have a special case - just use the "autoload" section in the configuration (examples included).

tagged: composer namespace introduction custom configure


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